
07 October 2013

Daily Post 28 : Workspace

When my first year as a VCD student I usually   work with so many things surround my desk: ink, more than ten pencils, drawing pens, cables, and  so many other. My desk is cluttered as I feel I more feeling as an artist if I get everything messed up. My friends are the same, even most of them upload it to the social media and instagram.

So now I'm tired. I packed all of clutters to some boxes, store it out of my room. I don't need that much of drawing pen lately, yet I'm still drawing. Some headset, cables-that-the-device-itself-had-gone, unused or wrecked papers, some test from last semester and any other clutters. You name it.

It's clean right now. Less distracted, I feel empty in a good way I can fill myself with any positive things. Even I less spending time on the internet specially in browse mu newsfeed on facebook, read some random 140 character of thoughts on twitter and so many then. I'm still want to being less, even I have a plan to sell my phone and bought a dumbest one.

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