
21 October 2013

Nobody Understands You

Not everybody can understand you. Or worse, nobody understands you. Whatever you try to tell them, how softly you speak, they just won't understand. Or worse, they won't listen. We live in a world when people love to share. Share what they want to: how cool their vacation, how tasty their breakfast, how outgoing they are with hanging out to some cool places. Everybody loves to share about their happiness. Or worse, share about how drama their life. And it's going around and around.

Life's not cool. Admit it. I don't say that life is sucks too. Life just the way it is. You could run with a smile painted on your face and the next hours you cry. It's ok to cry, we're human not a machine. Everybody arounds me changing, the way I'm changing too. We can't blame anyone about anything. It's just life the way it is.

I grown up with some thoughts in my mind. Like how I want in my entire life. One of them is : I want to be friends with everybody around the world. Literally everybody. Yes it could be the president, the first woman who stepping in a new land outerspace, and you. Yes I have some friends to laugh with, changes every year, in a different places, come and go. I want to do something they wanted me to do. Being jerks, being smart with read similiar articles on the internet, cool enough with using slang words et cetera.

But I realize that I can't hang on them. Any of them. Even my family. People change, they move. How can I hang on something that move? My friend once said to me "Friends are come and go. You might be afraid to loose your friends. But you will. It hurts. And you have to believe to that friends made by your step. Whenever you go you'll always meet some people then become friends." As a emotional person it sounds like an offensive talk. But it still ticking in my mind, try to remind me about it. The conclusion is: I'm agree.

So when you think that friends around you just don't give some positive energy around you: CHECK. It should be an alarm to tell you that something's wrong. It could be them, or you. I don't want to be a motivator 'cause I'm still love to kick some jerks. Remember what I said before: not everybody can understand you. They're not your foe just because they don't have a concern to listen. Sometimes you just have to change your perspective. But how you can change your perspective if you spend your day trying to be what they wanted you to be? You're not a sheep, even if you're a sheep you should not follow the path they are going. We're all have our own way. Or best.

I love the photo above. Represents how I feel this recent weeks. I'm trying to let the way they are. Accept everything. Then change. There is something worse than having no friends who listen to you: being unable to listen yourself.

Photo from

09 October 2013

Daily Post 30 : Dispenser, Terakhir

Gak pernah ada orang yang bilang terima kasih ke saya. Siapa coba yang bisa membuat mereka menyeduh kopi pagi-pagi sebelum ke kantor, ke sekolah atau ke manapun mereka sibuk? Seperti harus membelah diri, saya harus siap sedia mengucuri air dingin dan air panas di waktu bersamaan. Bahkan saya harus diam, bertengger dekat-dekat colokan listrik. Kadang saya kepengen keluar, ikut mereka. Iya sih, badan saya kegedean buat masuk ke tas mereka. Ah, orang emang cuma mau enaknya aja.

Ini akhir cerita dari Daily Writing, tepat tiga puluh walaupun kurang satu. Pengennya sih ada pesta, ah tapi siapa yang mau bikin pesta buat dispenser kaya saya? Galon habis saja mereka telpon minta bantuan orang lain buat ngurusin saya, gimana mau pesta. Saya pernah ketemu gelas-gelas pesta, betapa asyiknya mereka dituangi aneka minuman beragam rasa. Mereka asyik sendiri bahkan kadang menertawai saya.

Saya berharap bisa memberikan air panas selalu tanpa harus berpura-pura dingin. Pesta kecil cukup dengan secangkir kopi.

08 October 2013

Daily Post 29 : Lambat

Kenapa kalau lagi buru-buru semua orang bergerak lambat? Supir angkot ngetem dulu, mobil di depan gak mau ngasih jalan, polisi tiba-tiba nyuruh lajur lain maju padahal lampu baru aja hijau, lampu merah tiba-tiba jadi 99999999 detik lagi. Kenapa kalau lagi buru-buru ada aja yang memperlambat? Kunci motor ada di saku celana yang lagi direndem di ember cucian, kaos kaki cuma satu, kunci kosan dipinjem temen tapi belum dibalikin. Ebusyet dah. Ada aja yang ngelambatin hidup. Satu hal yang gak mungkin di dunia ini mungkin ya bahagia dengan ke-buru-buruan ini. Mana ada orang buru-buru bahagia, buru-buru ketawa, buru-buru nyantai. Hidup gak pernah simpel bos.

Jangan sampai gue ngehina internet yang lambatnya tingkat dewa ini.

07 October 2013

Daily Post 28 : Workspace

When my first year as a VCD student I usually   work with so many things surround my desk: ink, more than ten pencils, drawing pens, cables, and  so many other. My desk is cluttered as I feel I more feeling as an artist if I get everything messed up. My friends are the same, even most of them upload it to the social media and instagram.

So now I'm tired. I packed all of clutters to some boxes, store it out of my room. I don't need that much of drawing pen lately, yet I'm still drawing. Some headset, cables-that-the-device-itself-had-gone, unused or wrecked papers, some test from last semester and any other clutters. You name it.

It's clean right now. Less distracted, I feel empty in a good way I can fill myself with any positive things. Even I less spending time on the internet specially in browse mu newsfeed on facebook, read some random 140 character of thoughts on twitter and so many then. I'm still want to being less, even I have a plan to sell my phone and bought a dumbest one.

06 October 2013

Daily Post 27 : Every Little Thing

"Every little thing that you’ve gotta have
That you’ve got to reach for and you’ve got to grab
Oh, I bet that you’d be fine without it"

This song by Peter Doran is one of my favourite song on my October playlist. Has a simple lyric but so deep. I feel connected with this song, when I surrounded by everything I wanted but lack of what I really need. Life is simple yet complicated so why don't release every little thing that has no value to yourself? I know this song from

Daily Post 18a : BERANI BERKUMIS

As I promised to punish myself through made some absurd copy ads, I made it. It's one of them, I wrote about selling a "Penumbuh Kumis" to "anak gaul".

05 October 2013

Daily Post 26 : Resep Snacks Kere

Liatnya biasa aja. Keliatannya emang gak sekeren foto makanan kaya di instagram. Ah, bokek kok maunya yang bagus-bagus.

Kalau lagi bokek, tapi kebutuhan ngemil tetep gak bisa ditoleransi, gue punya solusi. Bermula dari sejak SD dulu, di mana ada penjual yang ngejual jajanan renyah yaitu mie yang digoreng (literally), bikin gue jadi mikir. "Ini kan Indomie?" ah, dengan otak anak SD gue kagum sama penjual yang kreatif tapi sialan itu. "Kan bisa bikin di rumah?" merasa rugi ngabisin duit jajan buat begituan akhirnya gue pun nyobain. Lagian kalau di rumah gratis kok.

Bahan-bahannya sederhana:
- 1pcs Indomie, atau sebenernya mie instan apapun sih.
- 1sdm Minyak goreng, minyak jaitun atau mentega secukupnya.

- Teflon atau katel.
- Spatula
- Kompor.

Cara memasak:
- Siapkan katel/teflon di atas kompor dengan sumbu api kecil.
- Tuang minyak/mentega.
- Remas Indomie selagi masih di bungkusnya.
- Setelah cukup panas, tuang Indomie ke dalam teflon.
- Aduk hingga cokelat merata.
- Sambil menunggu, tuang bumbu (kecuali minyaknya) ke dalam piring atau mangkuk.
- Setelah mie kekuning cokelatan, siapkan ke atas piring.
- Indomie goreng renyah krenyes crispy siap dihidangkan!
- Nikmati selagi hangat.

Simpel sih, gak perlu diginiin juga sebenernya. Gak perlu juga nyari tutorial di Youtube atau sok-sokan di Vimeo. Tapi ya gitu, rasanya enak. Apalagi kalau lagi ngemil tapi males ke luar rumah atau kosan. Atau, di tempat kamu gak ada Alfamart/Indomaret, atau ada tapi gak 24 jam. Kasian banget. Ya udah lah, santai aja toh masih bisa ngemil.

Buat yang hardcore gak perlu sampai di masak sebenernya. Biarin aja apa adanya. Langsung kremes Indomie kamu terus tambahin bumbunya deh. Di sini senang, di sana senang. Gak ada yang salah kok, semua orang punya jalan hidupnya masing-masing.

Cemilan ini cocok untuk: saat kamu santai sendirian sambil ngeteh, lagi liburan, pesta ulang tahun, dan ya, lagi gak punya duit.

04 October 2013

Daily Post 25 : My Random Ideas

Yesterday I made a mistake again for the 2nd time. I’m not write anything. So I really sorry about that even I have a reason.

Yes I will punsih myself next time.

So today I want to write about “RANDOM IDEAS”

Random Ideas is a tool when I have no ideas to write. Is made with a tiny wrecked paper with some words on it. There are usually 3 words in one paper “Noun” + “Verb” + “Noun” which I write randomly without seeing it. It’s a simple tool yet absurd. Remember when I write about a desktop computer who envy a pen’s life?

Next week, starting by today I want to be less distracted by the internet. I realize that internet is a tool. I want to use it wisely like for uploading my college task, get in touch with some friends we have projects together and et cetera. Even on my phone I uninstalled some apps I think they don’t give me a value, or not important anymore. I feel great. “LESS IS MORE” uhm, wait “less is more” is more appropriate.

02 October 2013

Daily Post 23 : Boker to Bring Happiness

Seburuk-buruknya beban yang ada di pundak lu sekarang ini, jangan pernah ngelupain satu hal. Enggak, gue gak akan bilang "Semuanya akan menjadi lebih baik" atau "Ada seseorang yang mendukungmu". Nyatanya sih temen-temen lu ninggalin lu kalau hidup lagi gelap-gelapnya, semuanya jadi tambah buruk bos. Tapi jangan ngelupain satu kenikmatan yang tiada tara : boker.

Boker adalah suatu kegiatan ketika kita mengeluarkan feses, atau sisa-sisa proses pencernaan yang dikeluarkan melalui anus. Sebelum boker, tubuh akan mengirim sinyal kepada perut kita yang dikenal oleh masyarakat luas dengan nama "mules". Mules dan boker ibarat hidup. Mules ibarat beban hidup yang ditampung oleh kita semua, dan boker adalah masa-masa bahagia.

Boker adalah salah satu waktu kebahagiaan buat gue, dan kalian. Lu bisa boker saat masa apapun. Saat lagi bete kartu ATM nyangkut di mesin yang lemoooootnya stadium sepuluh (ini baru aja kejadian sama gue), atau lagi gak bisa ngelupain orang, lu tetep bisa boker! Indah banget ya hidup. Ngeluarin tai-tai kehidupan itu nikmatnya gak bisa diganti. Gue ngebayangin, kalau R.Kelly bikin lagu "I Believe I Can Fly" ini sambil boker di pispot jongkok, dengan tai-tai keras nyemplung satu-persatu. Eh, gue gak tau yang bikin tuh lagu doi apa bukan.

Udah sih itu doang, boker emang gak bisa diungkapin dengan kata-kata. Belum ketemu metode apa yang tepat. Mungkin nanti ada buku "How to Write About "Boker" for Dummies", atau "Boker Copywriting that Sells".

Nungguin mules dateng dulu ah.

01 October 2013

Daily Post 22 : Minimalism Project

I'm currently reading a book "Minimalism : Living a Meaningful Life" and I want to make a progress with it. I find that my life has so many clutters which make me slower. So I just want to feel free, with being less. So this is my another project for at least this week. We will see for the next.

- Write a surreal copy ads (i.e sell a moustache, an used sandal jepit to CEO - et cetera)
- Stop eating meats (dairy products still allowed). Then notice the differences.
- Reduce smoking. Maximum 4 a day (Morning, noon, Night and stress-time)
- No twitter and facebook except for uploading a task.
- No coffee and tea allowed. Drink a pure water, hydrate your fucking body.
- Unsubscribe internet service on phone (you won't die, the air still free to breath)
- Send 5 postcards (your friends abroad and the rest for strangers)
- Set a schedule to connect to the internet. 8pm is a appropriate time.
- Spend less than 15 thousands rupiahs a day. (Learn to say no when friends invite you)
- Finish "Minimalism" book. (Please, it's less than 1.000 pages.)
- Dance a lot. Listen to new music, dubstep, dangdut koplo, any music you're not familiar.
- Exercise for public speaking. Put random things around you, present it both in english and bahasa.
- Sell, donate or trash your unused belongings. Drained pen, finished books (please, they won't get hurt as the others will keep it) even on your macbook.
- Talk to your old friends. Chat, ask what they're doing right now, make a small reunion party such a good idea tough.
- Finish 30 Days of Daily Writing project. Make a party after it.
- Go to a new cafe. But do not ever dare to ask a coffee or a wifi password!

- Write one copy ads per how much you did. Pick one from your "Random Ideas Bank", and finish it that day you make it.