
01 October 2013

Daily Post 22 : Minimalism Project

I'm currently reading a book "Minimalism : Living a Meaningful Life" and I want to make a progress with it. I find that my life has so many clutters which make me slower. So I just want to feel free, with being less. So this is my another project for at least this week. We will see for the next.

- Write a surreal copy ads (i.e sell a moustache, an used sandal jepit to CEO - et cetera)
- Stop eating meats (dairy products still allowed). Then notice the differences.
- Reduce smoking. Maximum 4 a day (Morning, noon, Night and stress-time)
- No twitter and facebook except for uploading a task.
- No coffee and tea allowed. Drink a pure water, hydrate your fucking body.
- Unsubscribe internet service on phone (you won't die, the air still free to breath)
- Send 5 postcards (your friends abroad and the rest for strangers)
- Set a schedule to connect to the internet. 8pm is a appropriate time.
- Spend less than 15 thousands rupiahs a day. (Learn to say no when friends invite you)
- Finish "Minimalism" book. (Please, it's less than 1.000 pages.)
- Dance a lot. Listen to new music, dubstep, dangdut koplo, any music you're not familiar.
- Exercise for public speaking. Put random things around you, present it both in english and bahasa.
- Sell, donate or trash your unused belongings. Drained pen, finished books (please, they won't get hurt as the others will keep it) even on your macbook.
- Talk to your old friends. Chat, ask what they're doing right now, make a small reunion party such a good idea tough.
- Finish 30 Days of Daily Writing project. Make a party after it.
- Go to a new cafe. But do not ever dare to ask a coffee or a wifi password!

- Write one copy ads per how much you did. Pick one from your "Random Ideas Bank", and finish it that day you make it.

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